Elevates you towards focus, clarity, and productivity. As your unwanted distractions and patterns lose their grip, you’ll gain the personal power to direct your attention and energy where they matter most – the result is a far-reaching impact in every area of your life – from your career performance and productivity, to your mental health and wellbeing.
Offers powerful strategies for managing distractions from inside you and the world around you.
Main Points of the program
01. The 4 psychological factors that lead to distraction
02. The truth about time management – how to ‘hack’ your brain
03. How to rise above temptation – overcome social media obsessions, mindless web surfing, and other forms of procrastination.
04. Living a value-driven life – get clear on the personal values that mean the most to you and channel them into every area of your life.
05. The distraction-free work day – best ways to defend your focus by identifying your distraction triggers, and shifting your autopilot responses to them.
06. Conquering emails, smartphones, and group chats – guide to navigating the incessant demands of technology
07. The meeting survival guide – 4-part strategy to dramatically minimize wasted time and energy.
08. What indistractable companies do differently – strategies employed by today’s most visionary companies to foster extraordinary productivity and wellbeing.
09. The indistractable workplace assessment – accurate assessment to identify how distractions are impacting different aspects of your workplace.
10. Upgrading your workplace – apply your findings and your indistractable tools to the unique needs and challenges of your workplace
Workshop Duration
+ W o r k s h e e t s + A s s e s s m e n t