Level Up Your Consciousness. Level Up Your Life.

Framework for speeding up your growth by learning how to better install NEW
BELIEFS and how to upgrade your DAILY HABITS.

Techniques for reprogramming your consciousness with new beliefs, models of reality, and systems for living that drive you forwards

Main Points of the program

01. The Psychology of Transformation – how to evolve yourself and your understanding of the world rapidly and efficiently.
02. Breaking the Happiness Paradox – how to bring Vision and Bliss into your life, so you can have BIG goals.
03. How Happiness Happens – the science of psychology you can apply in your life to be more happy, more often. How to be so disciplined about your emotional states, that emotional wellbeing and happiness come to you on autopilot – which in turn
brings joy to everyone around you.
04. 3 Most Important Questions – remarkable exercise that gives you laser-focused clarity on what you really want to achieve in life.

05. Making failure your friend – technique that allows you to redirect the energy of any failure, towards your ultimate success.
06. Self Fueled Goals – how to set goals that change your state of being so no one or no circumstance can mess with you.
07. Tapping Into Intuition – the science of intuition and why you need to harness this skill.
08. The Law of Resonance – how you can work with this phenomenon to design your optimal reality.
09. The Merging Technique – structure your goals so that what you’re seeking is in alignment with what is best for you and your environment.

Workshop Duration


+ W o r k s h e e t s + A s s e s s m e n t