“Sales Mastery”

“Sales Mastery”

The Rules, The Secrets, The Fun.

“If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right either way.”

Henry Ford

Sales is a discipline!How well do I think I sell?

How do I practice my skills EVERY DAY?

How much time do I spend learning new sales skills?

The OLD way of selling doesn’t work anymore…sort of!

The new way doesn’t exclude the old way – but it becomes more friendly, more sincere, it emphasizes serving first and selling second.

  • Gather personal information
  • Build friendships
  • Build a relationship shield that no competitor can pierce
  • Establish common ground

Create a REAL (& perceived) difference between YOU & everyone else

Regain the tenacity you had as a 4-year old in a grocery store asking your mom for a candy bar.