Hygiene Standards – A New Era

Hygiene Standards – A New Era

Dear beauticians,
Finally the time has come – the government has decided that you may reopen your business on xx.xx.2020! Now it is time to plan properly and make optimal use of the remaining time for reopening!
Call your regular customers now and arrange the next treatment appointment in your salon. Inform your customers about the increased hygiene standards in your salon and take away the fear of the first treatment.
Use our salon sign to print out and apply for your reopening on site. After the time of social distancing, we all need balm for the soul and want to be pampered.

Telephone acquisition
Start with your best regular customers and bring them the joyful news that your shop will reopen on xx.xx.2020. Try to avoid negative wording and make sure that you have used the time to prepare yourself optimally for the new hygiene standards. If you have made an appointment for a treatment, please politely point out once again that you should of course only enter the salon if you are symptom-free. This means that customers who have a sore throat, fever or cough should cancel their appointment by phone. In general, it is recommended not to treat the risk groups, i.e. people older than 65 and people with previous illnesses or a weakened immune system.

It is now known that you no longer shake hands to greet, but give a friendly smile. The display of magazines in the waiting areas or the handing out of drinks should also be avoided at the moment. Instead, turn on calm wellness music and create the right feel-good atmosphere.
In these times, the increased hand and device hygiene standards are particularly important. Whenever contact with the customer’s skin and contaminated surfaces is expected, you should wash your hands under warm water for at least 30 seconds and use a hand disinfectant. For disinfection, agents with proven effectiveness are to be used with the “limited virucidal” activity range (effective against enveloped viruses). Agents with an extended range of action against viruses such as “limited virucidal PLUS” or “virucidal” can also be used. It is also recommended that all treatments are currently performed with gloves.

An overview of the DEGEUK guidelines

Standard Hygiene Plus

Wear protective mask for employees and possibly Customers

Wear gloves

Plexiglas visor

Safety goggles

Cleaning wipes are used before and after every customer on all storage surfaces

no magazines, newspapers for customers

no drinks

Use suitable disinfectants

Keep distance

Wash your hands thoroughly

Avoid shaking hands

Cough or sneeze in handkerchief or crook of the arm

Stay at home with a fever

Lay out hygiene flyers and information for customers

Clean and disinfect the work area after each customer

Disinfect working tools

The whole treatment is carried out only with gloves

Frequently used facilities (door handles, tables, chairs, etc. disinfect regularly)

Disinfect the toilet after each use

A maximum of 1 customer is served, the distance to the waiting customer must be 2 m

The distance of 2m must be maintained when talking to customers

Inform customers that appointments must be canceled if they have a cold or illness

Employees must wear disposable gloves

The owner and the staff have to wear protective masks at least (change at least twice per Day)

The customer must wear a protective mask

The number of employees is limited according to the available space (note RKI recommendations)

Plexiglas face protection is mandatory for all services with direct face-to-face contact

Cashing with gloves (at the end of treatment = 1 pair of gloves per customer)

Disinfectant on every workplace, at the entrance to the sink and toilet

Jacket / coat are to be hung independently by the customer on the cloakroom

Depending on the company, it may be appropriate to use Plexiglas or an impermeable film (protective shield)

to be installed between staff and customers (e.g. checkout area, reception, etc.)

Payment with credit card, PayPal, vouchers, EZ, cash only in an emergency if possible

The entrance control is controlled by staff

Safety first

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